Sales Managers

Your coaching and deal inspection toolkit

Level up your team’s skills and coach them to adapt to the right selling behaviors from discovery to close won. Inspect and see what deals changed week over week without complex Salesforce reports or spreadsheets.

Not using Chrome? Use the web app instead.
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Trusted by top-performing sales organizations

Waterfall Analytics

See the path to your number

Get a detailed breakdown of your forecast changes and the reasons behind them so you can identify risks across your team.

Understand why your team’s forecast is changing and where
If your pipeline drops unexpectedly, you can see which deals pushed or decreased in size
If your commit is lower than expected, you can quickly get answers about which deals changed and how they impact your number
Not using Chrome? Use the web app instead.
Trends Analytics

View how your forecast changes over time

Track how deals progress over time so you have more confidence you will meet your sales targets.

Assess how your Commits are changing compared to Best Case over the quarter
Get immediate answers to why pipeline decreased or increased
Review individual rep and team performance to understand how deals and pipeline are progressing over time
Not using Chrome? Use the web app instead.

Track the status of deals at every level

Analyze sales regions, teams, and individual performance in granular detail.

Rollups give you a clear view of your team's deals
Analyze sales regions, teams, and individual performance in granular detail
View which deals make up your reps forecasts, investigate changes in numbers, or make overrides
Not using Chrome? Use the web app instead.
Call Intelligence

Coach more, interrogate less

Identify where your reps are struggling in customer calls so you can coach and correct bad behaviors quickly.

Review individual reps or team calls to discover why you win or lose deals
Create and share clips of good and bad behaviors for team learning
Ensure proper Salesforce hygiene from every call
Not using Chrome? Use the web app instead.
Change Highlights

Inspect positive and negative changes for every deal

Bring your Salesforce pipeline to life and visualize what changed with your team’s deals.

See which deals in open pipeline that have a close date that pushed
View deals quickly at a glance to see what increased or decreased in value week over week
Instantly see what opportunities changed status
Not using Chrome? Use the web app instead.
Deal Spotlights

Find and fix opportunities at risk

Understand granular details of every opportunity in your pipeline.

Quickly inspect and see which deals haven’t progressed stages over time
Understand precisely why late stage opportunities haven’t had updates in weeks
See which deals in open pipeline or commit have expired close dates and take immediate action
Not using Chrome? Use the web app instead.

“It’s so easy to create a view and share it with my team to utilize it immediately… it keeps us on the same page in our pipeline reviews."

Chad Whitman
Sales Manager
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“Scratchpad has made my team's KPIs go up and has saved us HOURS of hygiene in Salesforce. My team was able to adopt it into their workflow in just two days of starting their role. Time=money, right?”

Julia Heim
Inbound Manager
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“The answer to all your Salesforce prayers - productivity and speed game changer.”

Eric Dawson
Director - Client Success
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