60 Key MEDDIC Questions to Qualify Leads in 2024

60 Essential MEDDIC Questions to Qualify Leads in 2024

Effectively qualifying leads is crucial for sales success in 2024. Using the MEDDIC sales qualification framework ensures a systematic approach to assessing opportunities and maximizing sales outcomes.

By the way, MEDDIC stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, and Champion.

In this section, we discuss all the elements of this sales methodology and present the MEDDIC questions that will help you navigate the sales landscape confidently.


Metrics are quantifiable measures used to track the performance and success of an organization’s operations and projects. They provide a data-driven way to evaluate progress towards goals and identify areas for improvement.

A. Metrics Questions to Ask

Let's go through the questions that help you understand the key metrics your prospects use to gauge success and measure the impact of potential solutions:

1. What Are the Primary Metrics You Use to Gauge the Success of Your Current Operations?

This question helps identify the most critical performance indicators for the lead's business, allowing you to tailor your solution to their specific needs and demonstrate how it can enhance these key metrics.

2. How Do You Measure Return on Investment (ROI) for Similar Projects?

Understanding their ROI measurement helps align your proposal with their financial evaluation processes, ensuring you can present your solution as a valuable and profitable investment.

3. What Are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) You Expect This Solution to Influence?

Knowing the KPIs they aim to impact allows you to highlight the specific benefits of your solution, making it easier to align with their business goals and demonstrate potential improvements.

4. Can You Quantify the Expected Improvements in These Metrics?

This question encourages the lead to consider the tangible benefits of your solution, providing a clearer picture of the potential impact and setting realistic expectations for success.

5. What Are Your Current Benchmarks for These Metrics?

Understanding their current performance levels helps in establishing a baseline for improvement and allows you to set measurable and achievable goals for your solution.

6. How Frequently Do You Review and Update These Metrics?

This question reveals their performance tracking practices, enabling you to align your solution with their review cycles and ensure ongoing relevance and effectiveness.

7. What Are the Financial Implications of Not Meeting These Metrics?

Identifying the financial risks associated with underperformance highlights the importance of achieving the desired metrics, reinforcing the value of your solution in mitigating these risks.

8. Are There Any Industry-Specific Metrics You Track?

Industry-specific metrics provide insights into their unique operational challenges and success factors, allowing you to tailor your solution to address these specialized needs effectively.

9. How Do These Metrics Align with Your Overall Business Objectives?

Understanding the alignment between metrics and business objectives ensures that your solution supports their strategic goals, making it more compelling and relevant to their long-term success.

10. Can You Provide Examples of Past Initiatives and Their Impact on These Metrics?

This question helps uncover historical data and customer success stories, providing a context for expected outcomes and allowing you to demonstrate how similar solutions have previously delivered value.

Economic Buyer

The Economic Buyer is the individual with the ultimate authority over budget allocation and financial decisions within an organization. This person evaluates potential solutions based on their financial impact, alignment with strategic goals, and overall value to the company.

B. Economic Buyer Questions to Ask

Here are the questions that will help you identify and engage with the individual who has the ultimate authority over budget decisions in your prospect's organization:

11. Who Holds the Ultimate Budget Authority for This Purchase?

Identifying the individual with final budget authority helps ensure that your proposal reaches the decision-maker who can approve the expenditure.

12. What Is the Approval Process for Budget Allocation in Your Organization?

Understanding the budget approval process helps you navigate the necessary steps and timelines to secure funding for your solution.

13. How Does the Economic Buyer Evaluate Potential Solutions?

Knowing the criteria used by the economic buyer allows you to tailor your presentation to highlight the most relevant and compelling aspects of your solution.

14. What Are the Top Priorities for the Economic Buyer Regarding This Project?

Understanding the economic buyer’s priorities helps you align your solution with their most pressing concerns and strategic goals.

15. How Can We Best Align Our Solution with the Economic Buyer’s Goals?

This question seeks to ensure that your solution supports the economic buyer’s objectives, making it more attractive and relevant to their needs.

16. Are There Any Financial Constraints We Should Be Aware Of?

Identifying any financial limitations upfront allows you to adjust your proposal to fit within the economic buyer’s budget constraints.

17. What Is the Economic Buyer’s Timeline for Making a Decision?

Understanding the economic buyer’s decision timeline helps you manage expectations and plan your sales strategy accordingly.

18. How Does the Economic Buyer Perceive the Risk and Reward of This Investment?

Knowing the economic buyer’s view on the risks and benefits helps you address any concerns and emphasize the value proposition of your solution.

19. What Previous Investments Have Been Approved by the Economic Buyer in This Area?

Learning about past investments provides insights into the economic buyer’s decision-making patterns and preferences.

20. Can We Arrange a Meeting with the Economic Buyer to Understand Their Perspective Better?

Direct interaction with the economic buyer helps you gain a deeper understanding of their needs and priorities, allowing for a more tailored and effective proposal.

Decision Criteria

Decision Criteria are the key factors and standards that an organization uses to evaluate and select a solution. These criteria help ensure that the chosen solution meets the organization's needs, preferences, and strategic goals.

C. Decision Criteria Questions to Ask

Let's look at the questions that help you understand the critical factors and standards your prospects use to evaluate and select a solution:

21. What Are the Most Critical Factors in Your Decision-Making Process for This Purchase?

Identifying the most important factors helps you focus on the aspects of your solution that matter most to the lead, increasing the chances of meeting their needs effectively.

22. Are There Specific Features or Capabilities That Are Non-Negotiable for You?

Knowing the non-negotiable features allows you to ensure your solution meets these essential requirements, preventing potential deal-breakers.

23. How Do You Prioritize Cost, Quality, and Speed in Your Decision Criteria?

Understanding their priorities among cost, quality, and speed helps you tailor your proposal to align with what they value most.

24. What Weight Do You Give to Each Decision Criterion?

Learning how they weigh each decision criterion provides insights into their decision-making framework, allowing you to emphasize the most heavily weighted aspects of your solution.

25. How Important Is Vendor Reputation and Reliability in Your Decision?

Knowing the significance of vendor reputation and reliability helps you highlight your company’s strengths and track record in these areas.

26. Are There Any Compliance or Regulatory Requirements That Must Be Met?

Identifying any compliance or regulatory requirements ensures that your solution adheres to necessary standards and avoids potential legal issues.

27. How Do You Evaluate the Long-Term Value Versus the Initial Cost of a Solution?

Understanding their perspective on long-term value versus initial cost allows you to position your solution as a worthwhile investment, highlighting its benefits over time.

28. What Role Do User Experience and Ease of Use Play in Your Decision Criteria?

Knowing the importance of user experience and ease of use helps you emphasize these aspects of your solution, especially if they are key decision factors for the lead.

29. Do You Have a Scoring System for Evaluating Different Options?

Learning about their scoring system provides a framework for how they compare solutions, allowing you to align your proposal with their evaluation metrics.

30. How Do You Gather and Incorporate Feedback from Stakeholders into Your Decision Criteria?

Understanding their process for gathering and incorporating stakeholder feedback helps you address the concerns and preferences of all relevant parties, making your solution more appealing to the entire decision-making team.

Decision Process

The Decision Process outlines the structured steps and procedures an organization follows to evaluate and choose a solution. This process ensures that decisions are made systematically, considering all relevant factors and involving key stakeholders to achieve the best possible outcome.

D. Decision Process Questions to Ask

Here are the questions that will help you understand the steps, stakeholders, and timelines involved in your prospect's decision-making process:

31. Can You Outline the Steps Involved in Your Decision-Making Process?

Understanding the steps involved helps you align your approach with their process, ensuring that you can support them effectively at each stage.

32. Who Are the Key Stakeholders Involved in Each Step of the Process?

Identifying key stakeholders allows you to engage the right people, ensuring their needs and concerns are addressed throughout the decision making process.

33. What Is the Timeline for Each Stage of the Decision-Making Process?

Knowing the timeline helps you manage your activities and communications to meet their deadlines and keep the process on track.

34. How Do You Manage and Mitigate Risks During the Decision Process?

Understanding their risk management strategies allows you to address potential concerns proactively and demonstrate how your solution mitigates risks.

35. What Documentation or Data Is Required at Each Stage?

Knowing the required documentation or data helps you provide the necessary information to support the prospect’s decision-making process effectively.

36. How Often Do You Review and Adjust Your Decision Making Process?

Understanding how frequently they review and adjust their process helps you stay aligned with any changes and ensure ongoing relevance.

37. Are There Any External Consultants or Advisors Involved in the Decision Process?

Knowing if external consultants or advisors are involved helps you understand additional influences on the purchasing decision and tailor your communications accordingly.

38. How Do You Handle Conflicts or Disagreements Among Stakeholders?

Understanding their conflict resolution methods allows you to navigate disagreements effectively and maintain a collaborative environment.

39. What Communication Channels Are Used to Keep Stakeholders Informed During the Process?

Knowing the preferred communication channels helps you ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed and engaged throughout the process.

40. How Do You Ensure That All Voices Are Heard and Considered in the Buying Decision Process?

Understanding their methods for ensuring inclusive decision-making helps you engage with all relevant stakeholders and address their needs and concerns effectively.

Identify Pain

Identifying pain points involves uncovering the key challenges and issues an organization faces that hinder its performance and growth. 

Understanding these pain points helps in offering solutions that directly address and alleviate the organization's most pressing problems.

E. Identify Pain Questions to Ask

Let's go through the questions that help you uncover the significant challenges and issues your prospects are facing, which your solution can address:

41. What Are the Most Significant Challenges Your Organization Is Currently Facing?

Identifying the major challenges helps in understanding the critical areas that need attention, allowing you to tailor your solution to address these specific issues.

42. How Do These Challenges Impact Your Daily Operations and Overall Performance?

Understanding the impact of these challenges on daily operations and performance helps quantify the problem and demonstrate how your solution can improve efficiency and results.

43. What Are the Financial Implications of These Pain Points?

Knowing the financial impact of pain points helps in highlighting the cost of inaction and the potential savings or gains your solution can offer.

44. How Do These Pain Points Affect Employee Productivity and Morale?

Understanding the effect on employee productivity and morale helps in addressing the human element of the problem, which can be crucial for overall organizational success.

45. What Attempts Have Been Made to Address These Issues in the Past?

Learning about past attempts provides insights into what has and hasn’t worked, allowing you to propose a more effective and tailored solution.

46. What Is the Feedback from Your Team Regarding These Challenges?

Team feedback offers a ground-level perspective on the issues, helping in understanding the challenges better and ensuring that your solution is well-received by employees.

47. How Urgent Is It to Resolve These Pain Points?

Understanding the urgency helps prioritize the implementation of your solution and align it with the organization’s timeline and critical needs.

48. What Is the Expected Outcome If These Challenges Are Not Addressed?

Knowing the potential consequences of inaction helps in emphasizing the importance of resolving the pain points and the value of your solution.

49. How Do These Pain Points Impact Your Customer Satisfaction or Retention Rates?

Understanding the impact on customer satisfaction and retention highlights the external effects of internal issues, making a stronger case for addressing the challenges.

50. Are There Any External Factors Contributing to These Challenges?

Identifying external factors helps in understanding the broader context of the challenges, allowing you to offer a more comprehensive and resilient solution.


A Champion is an individual within the organization who strongly supports and advocates for your solution. This person plays a crucial role in influencing the decision-making process and driving the adoption of your solution within their company.

F. Champion Questions to Ask

Here are the questions that help you identify and support the internal advocate who is most enthusiastic about your solution and can influence the decision-making process:

51. Who Within Your Organization Is Most Excited About This Potential Solution?

Identifying the person most enthusiastic about your solution helps in leveraging their support to build momentum and drive the project forward.

52. How Does This Individual Perceive the Benefits of Our Solution?

Understanding their perspective on the benefits helps tailor your messaging to reinforce these points and address any specific needs or concerns they might have.

53. What Influence Does the Champion Have Over the Decision-Making Process?

Knowing their level of influence helps in strategizing how to best leverage their support to sway other stakeholders and decision-makers.

54. How Can We Best Support Your Champion in Advocating for This Solution Internally?

Providing the right support helps empower the champion to effectively advocate for your solution, increasing the chances of a successful adoption.

55. What Additional Information or Resources Does Your Champion Need from Us?

Understanding their needs ensures that you can provide the necessary tools and resources to help them make a compelling case for your solution.

56. How Has Your Champion Driven Similar Initiatives in the Past?

Learning about their past initiatives provides insights into their approach and success factors, helping you align your support with their proven strategies.

57. What Are the Champion’s Key Concerns or Objections Regarding This Solution?

Addressing their concerns or objections helps in overcoming potential barriers and reinforcing their confidence in your solution.

58. How Do the Champion’s Goals Align with the Overall Business Objectives?

Ensuring alignment with business objectives helps demonstrate the strategic value of your solution and strengthens the champion’s advocacy.

59. What Communication Channels Does Your Champion Prefer for Updates and Discussions?

Using their preferred communication channels helps in maintaining effective and timely communication, keeping the champion engaged and informed.

60. How Can We Ensure That the Champion Remains Engaged and Motivated Throughout the Process?

Keeping the champion engaged and motivated is crucial for sustained advocacy. So, understanding their motivations helps in providing ongoing support and recognition.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the essential MEDDIC questions, it's time to seamlessly implement this methodology. 

Scratchpad is here to simplify everything by offering the tools and support you need to integrate MEDDIC into your sales process.

Implement the MEDDIC Sales Methodology Hassle-Free With Scratchpad

When sales teams rely on traditional CRMs like Salesforce, they often struggle with pipeline management. This is mainly due to poor automation, pipeline management, and deal inspection capabilities. A Salesforce add-on like Scratchpad offers significant advantages in these areas.

Scratchpad is a transformative Chrome extension that enhances sales teams and revenue operations by offering unmatched insights into deal forecasts, sales rep performance, and lead behavior. This allows the sales manager or sales leader to quickly identify potential issues, offer more effective coaching, and achieve their goals with exceptional accuracy.

How does the tool help you easily implement the MEDDIC sales methodology?

It streamlines metrics tracking and helps sales professionals and reps engage the economic buyer, manage decision criteria, map the decision process, identify pain points, and support your internal champion.

Here are some of the benefits of using Scratchpad:

  • Drives Process Adherence: Scratchpad enhances process adherence by streamlining Salesforce interactions, ensuring sales reps maintain essential processes efficiently. It offers intuitive views and workflow tiles — making it easier for sales teams to manage and correct data in real-time. The tool also offers automated alerts that highlight missing fields or steps to ensure consistent and accurate execution of sale strategies.
  • AI Sales Assistant: The Scratchpad Sales AI Assistant monitors your virtual sales calls and autonomously updates Salesforce with crucial details (like MEDDIC, next steps, and more). It generates easily shareable sales call summaries and transforms these conversations into valuable insights. This streamlines the sales process by reducing manual data entry and providing sales reps and the sales manager or sales leader with clear, actionable intelligence.
  • Unified Sales Workspace: Scratchpad combines sales notes, tasks, Kanban boards, and more in one place — making it a centralized hub that allows the sales manager or sales rep to handle all sales activities with ease.
  • Data Accuracy and Insight: Accurate and up-to-date sales data is crucial for effective prospecting. Scratchpad helps you maintain high-quality data in Salesforce, which in turn enables better analysis, segmentation, and targeting of prospects based on reliable information.
  • Zero Boards: Scratchpad provides daily to-do lists so that you never forget to follow up on leads and/or opportunities in the pipeline.

Before we wrap up, let’s enhance your MEDDIC knowledge by going through some frequently asked questions.

4 FAQs About the MEDDIC Framework

Here are the answers to some of the questions you may have about the MEDDIC sales process:

1. Who Should Use MEDDIC Discovery Questions?

MEDDIC discovery questions are ideal for sales professionals, account managers, and business development reps who aim to improve their qualification process and close high-value deals. You can also use MEDDIC discovery questions if you’re dealing with a complex sales cycle and B2B sales environments.

2. How Can the MEDDIC Method Improve Your Sales Process?

The MEDDIC sales process enhances the sales process by providing a structured approach to qualify leads, understand the needs of a potential customer, and address critical decision factors.

Also, the MEDDIC methodology helps you focus on high-potential opportunities, improve win rates, and shorten the sales cycle by ensuring alignment with the requirements of a potential customer.

3. What Are the Common Challenges of Implementing the MEDDIC Sales Methodology?

Common challenges of using the MEDDIC method include resistance to change, lack of understanding, and inadequate sales training.

Some of the best practices for implementing the MEDDIC sales qualification framework effectively include introducing comprehensive sales training programs and continuous coaching. Additionally, fostering a culture of open communication and providing clear examples of the benefits of the MEDDIC process can help overcome resistance and enhance understanding.

4. What Is the Difference Between MEDDIC, MEDDICC, and MEDDPICC?

MEDDIC, MEDDICC, and MEDDPICC are frameworks that build upon each other, adding layers of depth to your B2C or B2B sales process. Here are the differences:


  • The MEDDIC methodology stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, and Champion.
  • The MEDDIC sales qualification process focuses on qualifying and understanding sales leads to ensure they meet key criteria for successful closure.


  • The MEDDICC sales qualification method expands on the MEDDIC methodology by adding “Competition.”
  • Unlike the MEDDIC sales method, the MEDDICC sales methodology addresses the competitive landscape and how your solution stands out against competitors.


  • The MEDDPICC sales qualification framework further expands the MEDDICC sales methodology by adding “Paper Process.”
  • Unlike the MEDDIC sales method or the MEDDICC sales qualification framework, MEDDPICC includes the administrative and procurement process, detailing how the final agreements and paperwork are handled. The Paper Process ensures that all necessary documentation and formalities are completed efficiently, facilitating smoother transactions.

It’s Time to Drive Growth With MEDDIC

Using the right MEDDIC discovery questions ensures that you focus on high-potential opportunities, address key decision factors, and improve your win rates. 

And by integrating the MEDDIC process into your sales strategy, you can enhance lead qualification and achieve more predictable sales outcomes.

If you’re using Salesforce and need a robust, AI-powered solution to streamline your sales activities, you need to explore Scratchpad.


Because Scratchpad generates easily shareable call summaries, centralizes sales tasks, ensures data accuracy, organizes daily activities, and much more. Essentially, it provides an all-in-one platform for managing your sales activities — hassle-free.

Try Scratchpad for free and discover the wonders it can do for your sales team!