How to Improve CRM Data Quality in 2024: Essential Tips

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What Are Some Common CRM Data Quality Issues?

The following data quality issues can significantly impact your CRM’s effectiveness and your business’s overall performance

1. Outdated Data

Customer information evolves rapidly. Are you keeping up?

Contact details, job titles, and company information change frequently. When your customer relationship management platform lags, so does your business effectiveness. Imagine reaching out to a decision-maker who left months ago.

Regular updates are crucial for maintaining accurate records and ensuring meaningful customer interactions.

2. Duplicate Records

Duplicate entries are more than a minor inconvenience — they confuse your team, distort analytics, and waste resources. 

Picture two sales reps unknowingly contacting the same lead. Awkward and inefficient, right?

Duplicates also increase data storage costs. 

Eliminate them to streamline operations and enhance customer experience.

3. Incomplete Data

Partial records hinder your team's effectiveness.

Missing crucial details like email addresses or purchase history? 

Incomplete data hampers your account-based marketing efforts, making it difficult to create tailored campaigns.

Don't let information gaps become customer relationship gaps. Strive for up-to-date records to empower your team with complete customer interaction insights.

4. Data Silos

Is your CRM database trapped in departmental islands?

When information is isolated in separate systems, you lose the big picture. 

Imagine marketing pushing a campaign without knowing what sales or support is doing. Key insights and opportunities fall through the cracks.

5. Inaccurate or Inconsistent Data

Inaccurate data or inconsistent data includes errors like misspellings, incorrect values, and inconsistent formats.

Sending personalized offers based on faulty data? That's a fast track to losing credibility.

6. Poor Data Governance

Lack of clear data policies can lead to unmanaged and chaotic data practices. 

Without established data entry, maintenance, and access guidelines, you risk inconsistencies, security issues, and compliance problems.

7. Data Decay Over Time

Data decay refers to the gradual degradation of data quality over time as customer details change.

People change roles, companies evolve, and contact details shift. Studies suggest up to 30% of your data may become outdated annually.

Now that we've covered the primary culprits behind poor data quality, let's explore their impact on your business.

How Does Poor Data Quality Affect Your Business?

The consequences of poor data quality extend far beyond mere inconvenience. Here's how it can impact your bottom line:

1. Financial Costs

Poor data quality management can be costly. 

Gartner estimates that organizations lose an average of $15 million annually due to poor data quality.

This includes losses from missed opportunities, operational inefficiencies, and rework.

2. Customer Relationships

Inaccurate or incomplete data can damage customer relationships. 

When your CRM data is outdated or incorrect, you risk miscommunicating with customers, which can lead to decreased satisfaction and loyalty. 

For instance, invalid contact information can result in missed opportunities to engage with potential clients. 

3. Decision Making

Flawed data leads to flawed insights. It's a simple but critical concept.

Think about your sales team relying on outdated customer data to forecast the next quarter's sales. That's a recipe for disaster.

4. Real-world Examples and Case Study on CRM Data Quality

The examples below highlight the cost of bad data in your CRM database:

Here’s a case study:

In 2017, Uber's accounting system error led to underpayment of driver compensation due to an overcalculation of its commission. The error cost Uber tens of millions of dollars, amounting to $900 per driver, showcasing the importance of systematic data quality checks.

So what can you do to maintain good CRM hygiene? Read on.

7 Best Practices for Improving CRM Data Quality

1. Implement Data Governance

Imagine your CRM system as a filing cabinet for customer information. To keep your database organized and searchable, your reps need to enter information consistently.

That's where data governance comes in. 

Data governance refers to the framework and policies that ensure data is consistently accurate, accessible, and secure.

Here's how to establish clear data standard guidelines:

  • Identify Essential Information: Focus on capturing the key details you need to nurture leads and manage customer relationships. This might include contact names, job titles, industries, and territories.
  • Format for Consistency: Ensure everyone enters information in the same way. For example, specify "First Last Name" for contacts with no titles or degrees. Develop a predefined list of job titles to avoid variations. Establish a consistent format for phone numbers (e.g., +1 (555) 123-4567) and addresses.
  • Assign Data Stewards: Designate responsible individuals or teams to oversee data management. They ensure adherence to data standards and regularly review data quality.
  • Regular Audits: Schedule regular audits to identify and correct inaccuracies, duplicates, and outdated information. This keeps your CRM data reliable and up-to-date.
  • Communicate Standards: Ensure all stakeholders are aware of the data standards. Provide training and documentation to help everyone follow the guidelines.

2. Integrate Data Sources

Stop wasting time on manual data entry and ensure all your customer information is up-to-date. 

Connect your CRM solution with other business systems, like marketing automation, ERP, and billing. 

This creates a central hub for all your customer data, eliminating information gaps (silos) and ensuring everyone has access to the same accurate information. 

Imagine your marketing automation platform seamlessly feeding lead data directly into your CRM – that's the power of integration!

3. Regularly Audit and Cleanse CRM Data

Just like any data set, your CRM system needs regular maintenance to stay accurate and reliable. 

Schedule regular data cleansing processes to maintain data integrity, keep your CRM sharp, and ensure you work with the most accurate information possible.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Eliminate duplicates: Those pesky duplicate entries get identified and merged, leaving you with a single, clean record for each customer.
  • Update outdated info: Job titles change, contact details evolve - data cleanups help you update this information to reflect current reality.
  • Fill in missing fields: Data cleanups pinpoint missing information, such as emails, phone numbers, or websites. You can then prioritize these fields and take action to fill them in.

4. Automate Data Management

Manual CRM data management and entry are time-consuming and prone to errors. 

Here's how you can leverage automation to clean dirty data and streamline data management:

  • Validate as You Go: Use web forms with data validation to capture clean data upfront. Think dropdown menus for industries and territories or specific formatting for phone numbers and addresses.
  • Eliminate Duplicates: Set up automatic de-duplication rules to identify and merge duplicate records. These rules can be based on factors like name, email address, or company information.
  • Enrich Automatically: External sources like LinkedIn and Dun & Bradstreet can be goldmines of information. Automate data enrichment to fill in missing details about your leads and contacts.
  • Use a Data Quality Tool: It can automate data validation and enrichment, ensuring your CRM data remains accurate.
  • Schedule Backups: Safeguard your valuable customer information by scheduling regular data backups and exports. This ensures you have a secure copy of your data in case of any unforeseen events.

5. Leverage Artificial Intelligence

Enhance data quality through AI and machine learning. Leverage AI-powered data enrichment to fill in missing information and correct errors automatically. 

For instance, AI can parse contact details from LinkedIn profiles to populate job titles, companies, and locations. 

Additionally, Natural Language Processing (NLP) can extract critical details from unstructured data like emails and notes.

6. Provide Role-Based CRM Onboarding and Training

Empower CRM users in your team with role-specific onboarding and ongoing training. 

This ensures everyone understands data standards and best practices for their specific role. 

For example, sales reps will learn to capture key details like decision-makers, pain points, and next steps during calls. Regular refresher training, access to a help center, and recognition programs reinforce these practices and encourage data quality.

7. Use Scratchpad

We discussed using AI and automation to maintain high quality data in your CRM database. 

Now, imagine a single tool that does this and more. Meet Scratchpad.

Scratchpad is a sales tool that offers cutting-edge pipeline management and forecasting features.

It’s a Salesforce add-on that your sales team can access from anywhere in their workflows.

Scratchpad offers several features that align perfectly with improving Salesforce’s data quality:

  • AI-Powered Call Recording: Automatically captures conversations, ensuring no details are missed and reduces manual data entry.
  • AI Suggestions: Automatically update Salesforce fields, including next steps and MEDDIC, with one-click AI-driven insights, helping sales teams with informed decision making and improving CRM hygiene.
  • AI Transcripts and Summaries: Generates accurate summaries of calls, ensuring all relevant information is recorded. No more dealing with data entry error or missing crucial details.
  • Zero Boards: Highlight opportunities out of compliance so reps can easily follow the sales process that Ops and Sales Leaders are implementing.

FAQs Related to CRM Data Quality

1. How Does Data Quality Impact Customer Service?

When your data is clean and accurate, reps can find precisely what they need in seconds — contact details, purchase history, and past interactions. 

This translates to:

  • Faster issue resolution: Reps can access relevant information quickly, leading to quicker fixes and happier customers.
  • Smoother interactions: No more asking for the same information repeatedly, avoiding frustration for both reps and customers.
  • Personalized service: Accurate data allows reps to enhance customer engagement by addressing customers by name and referencing past purchases or service requests.

2. How Often Should CRM Data Be Cleaned?

Ideally, schedule regular checkups, but the exact frequency depends on your setup. Here's why:

  • CRM Size & Complexity: Bigger CRMs with more data might need more frequent cleaning.
  • Data Change Speed: If your data changes quickly (think new leads or frequent updates), clean more often.
  • Your Business Goals: High-precision industries like finance might require stricter cleaning schedules.

No matter what, aim for quarterly audits as a baseline. 

This includes removing duplicates, updating outdated info (like phone numbers — they change surprisingly often!), and filling in any missing fields.

Think about it: People change jobs, move, and update their contact details. Regular cleanups ensure your CRM stays accurate and reliable.

3. How to Use CRM Data Quality Metrics to Drive Business Decisions?

Here's how CRM data quality metrics can be your secret weapon:

  • You can monitor data completeness (are there missing fields?), accuracy (are the phone numbers real?), and freshness.
  • It lets you identify data gaps: For example, a low completeness score might indicate the need to collect more information from leads.
  • You’re empowered to build Informed Strategies: Fixing data gaps allows you to create strategies based on real insights, leading to:some text
    • Happier customers
    • Smoother operations
    • Higher ROI
  • Data quality metrics also help ensure compliance with regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulations require businesses to handle customer data responsibly and securely. Clean data makes compliance easier and reduces the risk of hefty fines.

4. How to Integrate Google Analytics With CRM for Better Data Quality?

Integrating Google Analytics with your CRM software offers a comprehensive view of the customer journey, boosts marketing ROI, deepens customer insights, and ensures data accuracy.

How to Implement: While the process varies by CRM, let's explore the steps for Salesforce, a leading platform in the industry.

Step 1: Configure Google Analytics

  • Navigate to Admin in Google Analytics.
  • Create a new property and get your GA4 tracking ID.

Step 2: Prepare Salesforce for Integration

  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to integrate Salesforce with third-party applications.
  • Navigate to Salesforce Setup and find the "Integrations" or "API" settings.

Step 3: Configure Data Import in Google Analytics

  • Go to Admin > Data Import in Google Analytics.
  • Select "Create" and choose "CRM Data" under Data Set Type.
  • Name your data set, accept the terms, and click "Continue."

Step 4: Connect Salesforce to Google Analytics

  • Use a connector tool like LeadsBridge or Zapier.
  • Create a new bridge in LeadsBridge, selecting Salesforce as the source and Google Analytics as the destination.
  • Authenticate both accounts and configure data mapping to ensure the correct fields are synchronized.

Step 5: Set Up Data Import

  • In Google Analytics, go to Admin > Data Import.
  • Select "Create," choose "CRM Data," name your data set, and accept the terms.

Step 6: Connect Using an Integration Tool

  • Use a connector tool like LeadsBridge or Zapier. Let’s take LeadsBridge as an example.
  • Create a LeadsBridge account and add a new bridge.
  • Select Salesforce as the source and Google Analytics as the destination.
  • Authenticate both accounts.

Step 7: Map Data Fields

  • Map Salesforce fields to corresponding Google Analytics fields, ensuring customer IDs, transaction IDs, and lead data are correctly matched.

Step 8: Automate Data Sync

  • Schedule data syncs to ensure continuous updates.
  • Automate the sync to keep data current and accurate.

Step 9: Validate Integration

  • Check Google Analytics to confirm Salesforce data import.
  • Monitor customer journeys to ensure seamless data flow.